Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Publics Opinion

On a website called htttp://, it says,
"Do students rate the two approaches differently in terms of helping them
understand matters related to sex? Not really. Overall, 38% of teens who took
sex ed classes say these classes were "very helpful" to them, 47% say "fairly
helpful" and 14% say "not very helpful." Teens who've had a class with an
abstinence-only based approach are only slightly more likely than those who've
taken one with a comprehensive approach to say their sex education class was
"not very helpful."

Well as you can see, most teens said they were "helpful" in one way or another. So shouldn't abstinence be taught in sex education classes? If a student was in one of these classes it could change his or her mind about anything and maybe everything! I mean if they are already in sex education classes why shouldn't there be any abstinence taught in there. In my opinion, it should be taught in any class. For example you could have one sex education/abstinence class a week. It would be very helpful to people who might have had some doubts in their mind.

Here is the length to the website where I got the information.

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