Monday, March 29, 2010

Rising Teen Pregnancy Rates- Lack of Education?

Teen pregnancy rates are soaring through the roof, and quite personally, I believe it is because the public school system refuses to provide Abstinence Only Education in place of Sex Education. What they fail to realize is that Abstinence Only Education is an effective way to approach teens today about sex. “Half the students learning about safe sex are now having sex, while only a third of the group that was focused on Abstinence Only Education is engaged in sex,” says Hanna Siegel of ABC news. I think if the public school system taught students the effects of premarital sex, life long consequences, and why they should wait, they would see a much more effective outcome rather than the Safe Sex Education they are currently providing. They should take the 100% effective approach, not the “only-sometimes-successful-maybe-this-will-work-maybe-not-but-we-will-teach-you-because-the-government-says-so” approach. If teens were educated on why sex at this age is wrong, not taught the "Safe Sex" method (which suggests the school condoning premarital sex) maybe we would see a decrease in teen pregnancy rates.

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