Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Publics Opinion

On a website called htttp://, it says,
"Do students rate the two approaches differently in terms of helping them
understand matters related to sex? Not really. Overall, 38% of teens who took
sex ed classes say these classes were "very helpful" to them, 47% say "fairly
helpful" and 14% say "not very helpful." Teens who've had a class with an
abstinence-only based approach are only slightly more likely than those who've
taken one with a comprehensive approach to say their sex education class was
"not very helpful."

Well as you can see, most teens said they were "helpful" in one way or another. So shouldn't abstinence be taught in sex education classes? If a student was in one of these classes it could change his or her mind about anything and maybe everything! I mean if they are already in sex education classes why shouldn't there be any abstinence taught in there. In my opinion, it should be taught in any class. For example you could have one sex education/abstinence class a week. It would be very helpful to people who might have had some doubts in their mind.

Here is the length to the website where I got the information.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The Secret Life of An American Teenager- ABC Family TV

In today's society television has spiralled out of control. There are no limits on it's content. ABC Family TV channel has released a relatively new television show called "The Secret Life of An American Teenager" or "Secret Life". The show covers topics that are so bizarre and subjects that are sensitive to some viewers because it is their reality. The show talks about a girl, Amy Jeurgens, who had everything going for her future and then she had sex and ends up pregnant! The show shows us that "relationships" only consist of sex, fighting, and no respect when in all actuality that is the minority of relationships, at least for now. Try to prevent the problem, abstain from sex. Don't worry about being the only one who isn't doing it because I can guarantee there are others too, trust me.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

CNN on Abstinence

"When broaching the topic of teens and sex, it's never too late to talk about abstinence. Whether you feel strongly that sex before marriage is wrong or you simply want your teen to postpone sex until he or she is more mature, explain your feelings to your teen. If you share the reasons behind your beliefs, your teen may be more likely to understand and adopt your values," says the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research on They bring up an excellent point. If you discuss with your teen the importance of abstinence in your life and your moral beliefs, maybe your teen will be willing to consider your moral values as their own.

Catholic Church on Premarital Sex

"Chastity is a positive force for good and the essential virtue needed to live one's sexuality responsibly and appropriately, given each person's unique state in life." That's what the Catholic Church teaches at least. It is considered a mortal sin to have sexual intercourse before you are married. Sex is something that is procreative and unitive, for the married couple. Teenagers should not be engaging in sexual activity outside of the sacred bond of marriage. I agree with the Catholic Church. Teenagers do not understand the concept of marital unity and procreativity, hence harsh break-ups and unwanted pregnancies.

Interview With A Youth Minister

Monday, March 29, 2010

Premarital Sex- Not the Way to Go

“Contraceptive sex and sex outside of marriage not only leads to unwanted pregnancies; it also leads to bad marriages and divorce,” writes Janet Smith from Catholic Education Resource Center. I completely agree. Typically, when teens have “safe sex” outside of marriage, they are not mentally, emotionally, or even financially stable to deal with the consequences that sometimes sexual intercourse results in. Teens ignore the fact that all contraceptives such as condoms and birth control pills are not always 100% effective. When teens are alone with their significant other and they are kissing, one thing can lead up to another and then some people might not want to have sex but it just happens. How can this situation be prevented? Just don't have the opportunity to be in that situation where you can be totally alone.